Dec 30, 2022

DigiFun x XR COUTURE: How can fashion be integrated in web3

Digital fashion is the new cult.

DigiFun monkey
DigiFun monkey

Highlight of MVFW2022

XR COUTURE is the world’s first international digital fashion collection platform. Join the digital fashion revolution by shopping our surrealistic collection of digital clothing, footwear, and accessories, that are produced by expert craftsmanship and can be worn in a digital space; a photograph of oneself, metaverse, games, in AR/VR and more.



Our goal is to connect directly between creators and businesses and Decentraland, we have also been helping many artists to produce their work in the space. So today, a lot of people have been interested in digital fashion and I’ve seen that XR couture has done so much in the space and they have produced a lot of work in Decentraland.So would you like to introduce yourself ?

XR Couture


Absolutely. And thanks though. I’m Subham, founder of XRCouture.

So we started except in 2020. And we started ofcourse as a Web 2 digital fashion brand where people could purchase digital fashion and wear it for their social media. And soon we started making skins for games and came and came into web3. When it was better was Fashion Week where we launched our first referee collection which was called Meta Trip. This collection was launched during the Fashion Week, and we had our own store at Decentraland so people could come and buy. We had about 12 designs created by independent artists and these designs are right now available for people to wear across multiple platforms including Decentraland and Snapchat.We also help fashion brands and the managers and help them create assets across multiple web2 and Web 3 platforms.



For a lot of Web 2 designers, it is really hard to get in touch with web3. So I’m glad that.And how did you get into digital fashion if you started with Web2? Or what’s the background?

XR Couture


It’s a long story. It all started about 15 years ago when I was just roaming around in the virtual world and there was a game called Mini Planet that I used to play a lot and started buying skins. I used to beg my father to give me credit cards to buy skins. I didn’t want to be seen wearing the same default outfits that were provided in the game.

I studied architecture for five years and I have been working in architecture ever since. In architecture, I realized that in architecture, whatever we do and create, it’s all about that.

The 3D tools in architecture have been used for over 20 years, and we’ve been using them for as long as I can remember.

Before building skyscrapers, the first thing we do is create a 3D model. When that 3D model is approved by the client, only then do we build it in the real world.

When I started doing construction, the manufacturing process created a lot of waste because every time you have to produce something it has to be physical. I realized that you really don’t have to make physical garments just to get a prototype approved.

Instead of sending the physical government in for approval, we sent in a 3D garment. That helped reduce the time, say from six months of approval to one month of approval. Sustainability is the reason I got into digital fashion, it’s a new space.

Not a lot of people were using it, and not a lot of brands were adopting it.

So I took that leap. I searched and found that the game has been doing this for a long time. They’ve been making skins. Fortnite has made billions of dollars from selling skins for the game. These were skins that I had purchased 10 years ago. I realized there was a huge market for them. Everyone needs a virtual identity and people want to dress themselves. That’s why we’re here today.



It’s interesting how you started from architecture to fashion and you see the similarities and find a relationship between them. So is this XRcouture like all digital only now? What is XRcouture about today?

XR Couture


Yes, it’s 100% digital.You know, the graphics are different for each platform. Some have no financial incentive. If I buy it from Roblox and I want to write it on Decentraland, or if I buy it from Sandbox and then I want to put it on somebody’s face, it’s not going to work. That’s our goal, to provide interoperability to our users, who buy these designs and wear them in the virtual world, just like they can buy a physical garment in real life and wear it anywhere.



So what are the benefits that blockchain can help with the fashion industry and empower creators from your experience?

XR Couture


We at web2 have always worked with independent designers since. 3D is so new to this space that no one knows how to use it. And I was actually looking for people who knew how to use it. And the only people I could find who used it were independent designers who were probably still in school or had just graduated. These are the people that I started working with as designers, and I told them the idea that we could actually get people to wear your 3D clothing. People absolutely love that idea.

We started with 5 independent designers back in 2020 and today we have over 2,020 designers from all over the world who have been producing beautiful designs and art. Our users in Web2 have been exploring these designs and the day we were invited by Decentraland to participate in metaverse fashion week, that’s when we took the leap.

They also started getting more creators into Web3. We help them convert from the close 3D format to the format required by the decentraland specification.



Designers like to create more things in decentraland by themselves,are they thinking of doing that?

XR Couture


Absolutely. They want to improve their skills every day. Not just for Decentraland, but for various platforms, like in Snapchat’s AR. So we’re constantly upgrading these designs to make sure they can be used anywhere.



I think that’s the most important thing, is that for independent designers, there’s an opportunity for everyone. So in terms of design, what are XR’s sustainable goals?

XR Couture


When people ask me about sustainability, you know what is sustainable and how fashion can be sustainable. My only answer to that question is that if clothes never existed, that would be the most sustainable way to be in fashion.

In the future, you might just be wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, but you’re walking down the street and other people are wearing some kind of glasses and they might see another layer of clothing on you.

When you’re a digital fashion designer, fresh out of college, the first thing you might want to do is launch your own brand, which can’t be very simple, you need to source from different places to decorations, watches.

But again, that imagination is limited to where you can, you know, physically make it happen. Digital fashion will help you unleash your creativity. You don’t need to worry about gravity, you don’t need to worry about whether your clothes will get fabric in real life, you can go all out and create.



So how does that XR marketplace operate?

XR Couture


We want to make it simple for people to buy clothes, and people come in like normal e-commerce with multiple brands to choose from.

Every designer is given an equal opportunity to sell their designs. When someone walks into our site, they can easily browse through all the products that are available.

Payment methods we still don’t have the easiest way to get your NFT like just go to Apple Pay and we hope to get it soon.



Throughout the years that you’ve been working on digital fashion, what are the age groups of your consumers and what are the age groups and with the creators of the digital fashion that you observe?

XR Couture


That’s a good question. I have to start with Kathy Hockley, who is very influential in this field, and she mentioned it in a Forbes article saying that the next Coco Chanel could be a 10-year-old girl who creates virtual skin on Roblox.

There are very few people creating digital fashion at the moment, and these are the early movers and shakers, the tech-savvy people, the people who really want to explore the world of technology and fashion.

Our first customers were in the 30 to 40 age group, they had all this spending power, they were financially stable, and pretty soon, we got into the Web 3 space and things changed. We had a much younger audience, on Snapchat we had 13 to 17 year olds. On Decentraland it’s primarily a 17 to 25 year old audience. It’s always a mixed age group when you’re trying to explore various platforms.

13 to 30, that’s the largest audience, so you could say you know you could call them young adults and millennials. I believe we’re definitely creating a world for the future where they want to spend most of their time interacting with people online rather than their physical identity. I’m one of them.

This was certainly one of the most valuable and engaging Twitter spaces we’ve ever hosted.DigiFun and XRCouture had a deep conversation and collision, we had a lot in common and learned many extraordinary lessons from XRCouture, thanks for sharing and inspiring us!

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